
Yes, I say cover the show regularly.

Lisa's Drunk
Yep, this pretty much confirms Lisa spent all of season 5 drunk. She keeps a bottle of wine in her desk is willing to just leave WNYX and get drunk in the middle of the afternoon.

Eric's Gay Vest
I find myself horribly, and unexpectedly, attracted to Eric as I rewatch these episodes along with the reviews. And I have to say, he looked damn good in that vest.

I'm probably alone in this…
Spoiler Alert!

Woo! Six Feet Under!

This review has almost managed to convince me that a season of RHoNJ without Danielle would be worth watching. In one of the great ironies that is the Bravo network, there is no way to view RHoNJ without seeing Danielle both as the protagonist and as the most interesting person on the show.

I thought it was a wonderful callback to how every time the group interacts with anyone outside of the group (and Dean Pelton, and Chang), they're always horrible to them. Note the Chicken Fingers episodes, or the Mean Girls episode, or pretty much any episode with Vaughn.

Sally, Sally, Sally
In seasons two and three of the UK version they've completely fixed the problem of Sally having forward momentum.