
Well, at least it wasn't like that fucking Reddit thread on "here's how Trey Parker and Matt Stone will tackle the George Zimmerman acquittal." My God, it was nothing but white libertarian male after white libertarian male tossing each other off over a proposed episode idea that ends with both sides being idiots and

Question is, will he be a Dumb Gay Friend?

"Well, CHUCKO does."

It's the whole point of the movie, but it does have a great plethora of 'fuck"s.

"My God, what garbage."
"Eh, what do you expect, they're Canadian."

Powder also takes on an awful tinge when you realize it was one of the first films Salva made after getting out of prison.

Not as controversial as some of the stuff listed here, but the "Sunday in the Park with Jorge" episode of Law and Order is pretty much the only time in the show's run when an episode was pulled from reruns. It was the "ripped from the headlines" episode based on the "wildings" during the 2000 Puerto Rican Day Parade,

Well, I'm simplifying, of course. But there's this general recurring moment in Sorkin's shows where gay people push to Make A Change and Be Heard, only for them to be portrayed as pushing too hard or overreacting where the straight characters are more level-headed and wise.

So, if I'm understanding the Tyler Clementi-inspired subplot right, we've got another case where a straight person tells a gay person what they can and can't do for the betterment of the world. This is really starting to be a recurring motif for Sorkin.

See, to me, War Heroes is one of those great examples of Millar taking a premise that could be dynamite and then going down the tired, obvious route (see also: Chosen). The tide had turned on the Iraq War, there was still this tenor of "support the troops, but God, the Commander in Chief's a real shit," and here comes

The "Mark Hamill gets killed" thing was Millar's ever-tasteful idea of a B-plot. The basic idea is, "What if James Bond - the Eton graduate with the country estate, whose spy tactics are influenced by class and style - came from a lower-class background?" Which, could be an interesting premise.

Ohhhh… DeGrasse Tyson-san.

No, but the producers keep hoping it'll turn into Pink Flamingos.

I remember that was supposed to be the fake entry on the list. Though given that Rocky Horror and Reflections of a Golden Eye ended up on his "Worst 200" list, it says a hell of a lot that his idea of "the worst Hollywood could generate" would be, well, a gay porno starring Jesus Christ.

Y'know, that speaks to a thing I've often seen in Boomer self-congratulation - "We were the generation that passed civil rights!" Yes. You, no doubt a middle-class white person, brought into reality a long struggle perpetuated by those who actually fought for it, entirely through your goodwill. Line up for your free

"I'm one-sixty-fourth Cherokee!"
*storm of groans*

It's got that upstate prison flavor that'll make your feet stank all night long!

Simmons has also become a complete crank. One of his latest, Flashback, was basically a Greatest Hits of right-wing paranoid fantasies from the last twenty years - we'll come two steps closer to a caliphate because we "capitulated" with Park51, an India/Iran-dominated UN has us over a barrel, Japanese businessmen are

And a Bond movie isn't about the villains, it's about Bond, but if the bad guy is someone who rapes North Korean orphans to death because he thinks he's the Ubermensch, I'm still going to look at the screen and go, "…really?" There's a way to do bad guys in a way that's compelling, and that's not having them waltz on

Wow, I see Brandon Sanderson has brought his unique and visionary take to the Dark Age of Comics. Hey, did you know superheroes are walking forces of nature who would be complete dicks to the polity just because they could? This is truly a new and unique vision, and it's not like Garth Ennis beats it into the ground