
On The Impossible, the main focus of the "why the fuck are they white?" complaints seems to be that this is the first movie we've really gotten about the the 2004 tsunami*… and it can't focus on the trauma of the people who actually live in the region, who actually lost loved ones and had to deal with the massive

Ah, the charming days before Kerr Smith opened his damned fool mouth and revealed himself to be one of those "Kissing guys is GROSS!/Kids shouldn't be watching this" a-holes. After that, every man-on-man kiss became a show of "Spot Kerr's Rising Vomit."

Ah, the charming days before Kerr Smith opened his damned fool mouth and revealed himself to be one of those "Kissing guys is GROSS!/Kids shouldn't be watching this" a-holes. After that, every man-on-man kiss became a show of "Spot Kerr's Rising Vomit."

I knew a guy named Joe Pants. Funny thing; he always wore pants.

I knew a guy named Joe Pants. Funny thing; he always wore pants.

No, I'm not one of those assholes who tries to claim a place on the autistic spectrum disorder every time they say something stupid. If I say something stupid, it's because I said something stupid.

No, I'm not one of those assholes who tries to claim a place on the autistic spectrum disorder every time they say something stupid. If I say something stupid, it's because I said something stupid.

As a gay man with Asperger's, I consider myself somewhere around the middle of the cocktistic spectrum.

As a gay man with Asperger's, I consider myself somewhere around the middle of the cocktistic spectrum.

Paul! You is a varevulve!

Paul! You is a varevulve!

And if I recall correctly, DC completely chickened out and said, "Uh, no, we're not pulling the issue because a Muslim super has to deal with prejudice from the populace! We're pulling it because… uh… Superman rescues a cat from a tree! Man, how cheesy is THAT?"

And if I recall correctly, DC completely chickened out and said, "Uh, no, we're not pulling the issue because a Muslim super has to deal with prejudice from the populace! We're pulling it because… uh… Superman rescues a cat from a tree! Man, how cheesy is THAT?"

"The malware set our computer on fire."

"The malware set our computer on fire."

Well, at least we know the tired old trope of the "Gypsy curse" played straight has since died a well-deserved —

Well, at least we know the tired old trope of the "Gypsy curse" played straight has since died a well-deserved —

"You may not support people with "God hates fags" posters"

"You may not support people with "God hates fags" posters"

Y'know, at this point, there should be a genre of indie films just known as "Fucking White People."