
The thing I find disingenuous about Oswalt being so indignant about hecklers is that (some) comedians actively insult the audience for a laugh. I've been at shows where random people at the front were picked on for laughs. It may be funny, but being that person sucks if you're at all shy. I'm totally mortified by that

Totally agree. I've also thought Coyne was a dick since that bizarre attack on the Arcade Fire.

Totally agree. I've also thought Coyne was a dick since that bizarre attack on the Arcade Fire.

But couldn't the dance have been ancient without the music being so?

Yeah, gotta agree with you…

I also agree, although I wonder if the writers/producers aren't happy with Kat Graham's acting? I only thought this because I was watching a behind-the-scenes thing where Kevin and Julie were talking about how they give certain characters (like Caroline and Katherine) more screen time because the actors were doing

Agreed! They've developed the Damon-Elena thing so masterfully and it really makes sense that Elena would see Damon in a new way following all these changes.  Their chemistry is amazing!

Totally. I cannot wait for next Thursday!

Maybe within the world of the show he can have anyone he wants, but it still seems like a sexist comment. Presumably not every single woman's affections can be bought?

Awesome write-up, Noel!

"He’s got enough money to land any woman in the world". Um, what? This sounds like the kind of hilarious view on women this show has pioneered.

Hear, hear!

The blood thing totally made sense to me! Stefan has been drinking small amounts. You could see he was comfortable with the first half of the bag Klaus made him drink, but the full one was a lot in one sitting. Stefan was never out drinking from humans the way a regular vampire would (which would involve a few "bags"

It would be very interesting, but if werewolf bite = becoming human, wouldn't loads of vampires start seeking it out, like Stefan and Caroline?

How do you pick the photo that accompanies the episode write-up? This one seems like a funny choice - you'd think this was a sweet episode celebrating Matt and Caroline's love…

Murgatroid is totally right!

Same here. And the amazing thing is that the twists never feel forced or contrived. Other shows might resort to stupid shock tactics, but everything feels right when it happens. So amazing.

This show does not have time for minor details!

Isn't there a Sherlock Holmes story where someone hides a piece of paper by putting it on the wall? It's meant to be a great hiding place because it's so stupid (i.e. no one would think to look there). I do think the point someone made above that Damon is arrogant to think it would work is very true, but I still think

Gosh, these comments are all so thoughtful! tabernacle could write these reviews too if Carrie wasn't doing such a terrific job.