Azrael Brown

Google Street View!
If you watch closely at the end of the episode, right after Maddie takes Jessy's money, a Google Car goes by right behind her and Michael. You'd think a spy would be more careful about being seen by such surveillance equipment.

Who was that forgettable woman with the plot twist?
It's been bothering me all night — who was that actress who played the scammer's secretary? I can't place her, and my memory ranges from "some forgettable 1990s sitcom" to "you went to college with her".

Best line
When Jesse is saving the rentacop:

The 'screen door' only works with his "What Happened?!?" confusion. In the commercials, there was a longer version with his followup, and a shorter one where he just runs into the door. Wifey and I agreed that the non-comment one was not funny, but the one with the 'what happened' remained funny through all the

Recently happened:
My employees were talking about how lame commercial jingles are ("5 dollar foot long" was their focus), and I pointed out it's so you remember them, not artistic merit. To illustrate my point, figuring this was burned into everybody's long-term memory, I asked one employee to finish this sentence:

But North Dakota has Mount Rushmore, and - wait, what? Er, how about being the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes! No, um…well, we've got more nuclear missile silos than the rest of y'all, so WHO'S FUCKING LAUGHING NOW, HUH?

Huh - I just read in the newspaper that Hulu comes on computers now, as long as you have Compuserve or something like that.

Doogle; Yours, Mine and Ours; Zoom. All because we have kids with crappy taste in movies. None of those three were really all that bad, compared to other kid's movies (just look at the 1970s Disney live-action stuff that we call classics today) - I think people crap on these more because of the big names attached;

As we watched the Obama thing, my wife said almost the exact same thing: "so Jay Leno had a YouTube show, and they decided to put it on TV?" And then the long pauses during the uncomfortable Kanye interview where Leno almost made him cry by asking him what his momma would think about his behavior. It's like Leno

My thought on Strickler was that he thought he had Michael on a short leash — making him do grunt work, "you'll know when I say you need to know", being the key to removing Michael's burn notice — that he underestimated Michael's motivations. Sure, Fi was going to Ireland anyway, but Strickler was going to break