
Hipster ecology.
I like this show. It combines the weirdness of Tim and Eric directed at a target that deserves some mocking. You know, the kind of subculture that demands everyone be "unique" and "independent", but in exactly the same way. I went to a liberal arts college in upstate New York, so I get what they're

@ Dr. Jewenstein, I tend to hold the opposite view. As much as I've liked to, I haven't been able to get into White's other projects quite as much. Of course, the White Stripes sort of had a bigger impact on me than anything else, as they were the band that established that contemporary music didn't have to suck. It's

@Judge Reinhold

"Well I would, but love really bores me."

We'll give it a home, you pretty little, pretty little rag and bone.
Why is "Icky Thump" the bad record and "Get Behind Me Satan" the good one? I've always considered it to be the other way around. Assuming that this isn't one of those things where it's the worst just because it's the newest, I guess it's because

A & E high class?
Remember when A & E used to be a really high class channel? Now they have this clown on? Televison channel drift is so fascinating to me.

A TV series about Edgar Allen Poe? My first thought is that they are capitalizing on the success of Sherlock Holmes.

"You must find and devour the seven crystal babies, or you'll be in deep digeridoo!"

You are made of excrement, but you can turn to gold.
I would have loved to see his version of Dune, too. It would probably be nothing like the book, but it would be fascinating. I kind of like the Lynch version, anyway, even though it's incomprehensible if you didn't read the book and it's not paced very well.

Dixie Chicks.
For a minute, I thought this was about the Dixie Chicks, those terrorist-loving Saddam supporters.

When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody's going to run FROM him?