Extra Titch

Ha Ha, ?uesto's an amazing raconteur, one day he's going to write the most amazing autobiography in, like, twenty five parts. Even his sleeve notes are entertaining.

R.I.P sir, the sacred just got a little bit more profane. And didn't anyone mention this yet? https://www.youtube.com/wat… his seminal work, funkier than a moskeeter's tweeter.

I definitely think it's worth checking, some heart stopping prose in there. If you have five minutes this article from The New Yorker is worth a look http://www.newyorker.com/bo…

Legend has it that, far from approving Bowie's song about him, Andy Warhol actually walked out of the room with his hands clapped over his ears when David tried to play it for him.

Juggling three books currently, The Collected Stories of Clarice Lispector is my bus read on the daily commute and it's a collection of short stories. I read one story per bus journey and then sleep for the rest of the journey with the hope that her imagery will permeate my dreams. Started The Diary of a Teenage Girl

I hope Berahino isn't on the cards any more as I think he's shown himself to be incredibly unprofessional. Having Jermaine Defoe back at the lane yesterday was a reminder of how professional he was and how he rarely, if ever, went to the press complaining about being left on the bench but always trained hard and was

Watched Diary Of A Teenage Girl and liked it fine without really loving it. I have the book out of the library at the moment so I'm quite keen to read it to see if, as I suspect, they knocked some of the rougher edges off. I'm increasingly bothered by the use of popular music in movies at the moment as it kind of

Not many teams we'd have rather being playing when needing to bounce back from the mid week Leicester result than Sunderland but an important confidence boost all the same. I get concerned that when we're chasing a game we seem to totally lose our shape when Son comes on (I know he got the winner at Watford) and

The Hired Hand is worth it for the incredible Bruce Langhorne score alone.

The Penn is meatier than the sword.

Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice made me want to take up smoking, 32 years later and I probably could've bought a beach front residence in Dade County and a frickin' motor boat with all the money I've wasted on this filthy habit of mine.

Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Please by Splodgenessabounds https://www.youtube.com/wat… is the unofficial English anthem for me. I'm uniquely qualified to answer this question because I've just sat down to my computer with a cup of tea and an English muffin with butter, cream cheese and Marmite. I am

Y'know I don't think I've ever seen it written although I'm sure it has been somewhere but I kind of feel that what Bowie did on this album directly paved the way for the direction that Talking Heads took that culminated with Stop Making Sense. I know that the p-funk live shows were a huge influence on Talking Heads

Ha ha, I like your story better, I guess it's better than being a somnambulist midnight shopper. And thanks for your kind words about nan. She's thirty years gone now but seeing that happen to her has meant that losing my cognizance has really been my biggest fear because it seemed really terrifying to her (at least


Will check both out tonight.

Hey man, glad to see you didn't get swept away by the floods as I saw that Hebden Bridge got hit particularly hard over Christmas.

Really? Did this happen to you? It kind of terrifies me. After seeing my nan who was an incredibly funny and smart woman taken by Alzheimer's I'm super paranoid about it and I take that wall between dreams and reality breaking down as very alarming . I'm glad it isn't just me then.

Just hit the 'Stakes' mini season of Adventure Time, two episodes in and so far so amazing.

That's some hot biz right there.