Billy Reuben Brown

I've always thought that PJ Harvey and Tom Waits would be a cool collaboration. They could record some music and write some songs and stuff.

Hah! Not enough people know about it, for sure. I rely on people who pay attention to pop culture to tip me off about the good stuff (I used to have friends, now I have this website), and at one point I had a housemate who made me listen to Grant Lee Buffalo, which rules. She also introduced me to the music of Black

I was a cock-teaser at Roosterama.
We only had one jammed cassette player, so all summer long we listened to an endlessly looping single of "Grandma got run over by a reindeer."

@chicken, How so? I mean, I know about my name, but I don't get the Silence of the Lambs reference. I suppose I may not be the poop expert I've always claimed to be.

While this movie was in theaters I was approached on the DC metro by some tourists from Kansas who wanted to know if I was Matthew McConaughey. I will concede that in the right light I look a little like a scrawny Metro-riding version of Mr. McC, but I think that the reason these people were prepared to believe that

Vivaldi's The Four Seasons. Specifically Autumn.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 5 being the best, and 9 being the worst, I give it a 7.

I'm turning over a new leaf, and ignoring the letter grade. From now on, I'm ONLY considering the +/-.

I read the letter grade only, but not the +/- afterward. I just don't have the time.

Don Cherry, daguerrotype photos, the Multicolored Dick

Farley Mowat, wine corks, the Mounted Policeman