Billy Reuben Brown

John Goodman didn't look like he was wasted. I remember seeing Bruce Willis on Letterman one time, and THAT guy was WASTED.

John Goodman didn't look like he was wasted. I remember seeing Bruce Willis on Letterman one time, and THAT guy was WASTED.

This is my number one angry song.

When you say works, do you mean works to feed your anger, or works to fix your anger? Because if its the second one, then I wholeheartedly agree.

Also, the original Blue Monday. I really like Orgy's version too, but that is more of an energizing song than an I'm angry song.

A couple bands and songs spring to mind for me…
PJ Harvey for sure
Black Lab
Eminem (early)
The Pixies

My family has a number of Christmas traditions, some normal-ish, others not.  For instance, we always listen (many times over) to two albums over the holiday week: the King Singers christmas album, and one called "Calypso Christmas."  Calypso Christmas is very bizarre, but also quite excellent. We actually have two

The most unsettling muppets sketch for me was the opera-singing monsters with the upside-down human mouths. It still creeps me out and I don't even like referring to it. Now I have to go watch this to cleanse my brain. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Also, you're the one who is approaching homozygosity!

I totally agree on the genetics-driving-cultural-attitudes thing, and I've decided that there should be no taboo against gay incestuous relationships. Spread the word!

This year for whatever reason, I am not amused. Only two made me larf, and they were the two tribute bands, Rad Bromance and AB/CD. Those are clever. Everyone else, don't quit ya' dayjob.

You share 50% of your genes with a full sibling, and on average you share 12.5% of your genes with a 1st cousin. So from an inbreeding standpoint, marrying a sister is basically the same as marrying four cousins.

I won't fuck it until you tell me how it got sap on its cornhole!

I also have fond memories of The Golden Child, but it sounds like it hit the sweet-spot for both of us, age wise.

Nice double-post, noob!

You nailed it. NPR had a bit yesterday (I don't listen to it, I swear it was a friend) on how it is that OWS isn't constantly trending on Twitter: ten million people were interested in it yesterday, ten million are interested in it today. There is no increase in peoples' interest-level, hence no trending.

I love the muppets, and it has never held me back in my work as a merkin-weaver.

This backlash was cool for a while, but now it's totally played out.  I think I'm going to start an Archer backlash.

Zooey Deschanel is the female Steve Reeves!

I believe that's "AN darkly humorous character."