Me too. I listened to it for a while but eventually I get tired of hearing him hold his breath while talking and then the aimless bullshit conversations.
Me too. I listened to it for a while but eventually I get tired of hearing him hold his breath while talking and then the aimless bullshit conversations.
The worst part is that he acts like only kids get stoned and sound dumb.
Take that back! The London brothers are GODS!!!!
It was by no means a glorious success, but he did helm Cop Out, which had a $30 million budget and made almost $45 domestically.
What's even worse is the "Hey, he's fat!" stuff here. Yeah, let's pile on tubby, that's a good time!
So, so badly.
I wish I could coast on ever-distant success like that.
In other words, the Weinsteins didn't feel the need to reach into their back pocket for the bills in their wallet, which would've funded this with money left over.
It was certainly better than Zak & Miri and was more in line with what Kevin Smith does well: aimless riffing.
A perfectly cromulent analogy.
Obama's new law that makes it easy for working moms to make potato salad!
Nah, it's even better than that. You HAVE heard of it, but you can't be from there anymore.
You took that to an extremely sad place.
I always thought it was a really tacky joke to make. Your kid is a teenage father? Congratulations?
Those actually get me angry. The worst president of my entire life? No, I don't miss that imbecile.
You can thank Universal Press Syndicate. I'm sure the strip would've ended in the 90s anyway, but maybe he would've put out more total strips if they hadn't fought him tooth and nail over something as stupid as stuffed tigers.
That would be tempting.
I imagine it's Susie Derkins. Now SHE would be Christian.
Making Calvin bow to any God or symbol of God is completely out of character. It'd be like Han Solo saying, "I love you, too, sweetiekins" before being frozen in carbon.
I think it passes Kid A easily, and I was at The Wherehouse first thing in the morning for Kid A. Kid A is about half brilliant songs and half ambient/glitching stuff. I don't know that there's a bum track on YHF.