
This was my third time seeing this double episode, and I liked it the best this time around. This is actually the first time I thought it was sad, and I actually did. I also found the Pathfinders more sympathetic as well. When I first watched the show I always saw Crichton has a hero, and only now am I seeing how his

Super Paper Mario was the worst Nintendo game of the last ten years.

Well, he doesn't have any children.

Additional "real talk"- his health has checked out fine. There is such a thing as people who are heavy but reasonably healthy, and apparently GRRM is one of them. Heck, if you can make it to a certain age in good health, a few extra pounds HELP.

I'd tell you which Almanac we use, but it's really fallen off since Ben Franklin died.

Mrs. Durango is a saint!

I remember everyone fixating on the line, "Cause I really want to meet her." Yes, they say God is a woman. Woop-de-doo.

Just so, but the nights are lit with festive displays and good cheer and all that.

I hate that feeling. I can get through December just fine, January is just okay, February starts to wear. It's a slow, sad March that really brings me down.

Stop bringing up safely repressed memories of bad music.

Naked and Famous is all right.

They should have renamed themselves "Vague Mysticism."

They had one hit. And one minor one in "Down by the Water." They're minibosses of hell at best.

I hate Hahn.

I saw them live once. They played their asses off even as a wicked summer storm barrelled down. Once lightning started hitting close, they finally left the stage. So they get a lifetime pass for me, even if I only like one of their songs.

January is worse. December has Christmas, so food, family, carols (if you like that), all that fun stuff. Then Christmas is over, and for many, you're faced with cold and darkness and no holidays to look forward to.

They're ubiquitous. "Meet Virginia", "She's So High", etc.

Jars of Clay was certainly one of the better Christian Contemporary bands out there, though they got right away from their folk/rock style early on and became another pop/rock band pretty fast.

There is nothing worse than the "Can't you see I think you're beautiful?" song.

That album is pretty solid overall.