That would be the coolest fucking thing ever. Turns out they're big fans of Skies of Arcadia, and, well, when you've got that much indie cred, crazy things happen.
That would be the coolest fucking thing ever. Turns out they're big fans of Skies of Arcadia, and, well, when you've got that much indie cred, crazy things happen.
Yes, YouTube is still a thing.
It comes with its own hurdy gurdy.
So does air still move, or is it stuck? And if water is all solid, how do they drink? I get that food doesn't spoil, but what moves, exactly? What impact do these two have on the frozen world around them, and if everything really was stuck in place, wouldn't they also be stuck in place to suffocate or starve?
Also not a doctor. And I like to think I don't peddle in flim flam.
LEGO nerds on Amazon seem to gauge value as a set being more or less than averaging ten cents per piece. So a 400 piece set for $35 is no bad deal. I hope this is just the beginning, I need a time train and a time changing diner.
I liked what the movie had to say about freedom and convenience.I didn't think it quite stacked up to Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead, but these films all get better with repeated viewings; I know I thought Hot Fuzz was good at first but now think it's the crowning achievement in the loose trilogy.
His roll under the Modern Art was badass.
In all fairness, he's also sticking up for the Blanks, who are now a hated minority.through no fault of their own. But yes, he's getting to live the free live he has yearned for while no longer poisoning himself in doing so.
Exactly. He learned how to be happy with his life without destroying himself.
Same here. I've got to end up liking this more in the end because Hot Fuzz was a lesser film to me at first that only got better with time and additional viewings.
When we talk about saving the world, this one is at least a better choice than Cabin in the Woods. Seriously, fuck that guy.
I was wondering if they were going to touch on the dead folks in some kind of save situation, but nope, the dead stay dead (or undead) in Cornetto movies. I like that.
I wondered how the goofball who did gorilla impersonations in Shaun of the Dead was going to be the rock steady foundation of this one, but there you go.
Like, shockingly sad and damaged.
Something about the "Pick A Number" bit just had me laughing more than I have all season.
Yeah, it comes up on my music player and for a second I think I'm about to hear a track from that instead. It's usually a mild disappointment that I'm not.
It was certainly fine, but as someone who has spent the last few years occasionally popping a classic in and then working this one into rotation in much the same fashion, it doesn't hold a candle to his true master works. It's not BAD, it's even GOOD, but this isn't Bowie crushing it.
Still lots to get to that I haven't heard yet. So I'm listing the 7 I think have a shot at all of making end of year.
Lady Mary Spoken Putdowns would be the best.