Why would he need to? He's already proven himself.
Why would he need to? He's already proven himself.
I enjoy this comment because I loved Batman growing up and I hate it when people are too cool for that show.
Just kill the damn show already. Jesus Christ, the horse is dead, you can stop beating it now, Industry.
I liked the musical cadence of Caboose quite a bit, and the music lifted it for me. It wasn't an amazing episode, but it was pleasant, and it was fun.
Except look at what the 80s did to her hair. Surely porn can't be worse than THAT.
I assume you are referring the Star Wars music, represented in both Return of the Jedi and A New Hope, which of course is of an entirely different genre than jazz, since it predates it and is also from a galaxy far, far away. Nerd.
I was thinking about the worst thing Lucas ever did to Star Wars, that awful cartoon jam "Jedi Rocks", earlier today, so I went to Wookieepedia to read about it. It turns out that the name of the "band" that performs that song is Evar Orbus And His Galactic Jizz Wailers. Not only that, but apparently the genre of…
Yeah, I never saw it as particularly difficult to believe. They all have workable covers that make sense in the history of the show before we join it.
If someone chooses "Wake Up", those who attend the event must sing the vocal refrain.
I really love Beethoven so something from his would be both awesome and a last laugh as everyone sits through the 9th or 6th. But I really have two songs.
Yeah, there's a bunch of stuff from CB that would work well.
Radiohead has come up a lot in my own rumitaions, with songs like Videotape, Motion Picture Soundtrack, and How to Disappear all rotating in and out.
I am an atheist and I had no problems with thsi movie. If anything, it posits how insane the end of days would be.
LFO would've been acceptable as super terrible.
My thirty-something wife dragged me to see it and ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
Bet you didn't realize that women want to go to heaven so they can wear bikinis and be sex objects for men.
Because Paul is so warm and goddamn fuzzy.
I just saw this movie today and I hated it so bad.
Also, who handles demon circumcision? Those guys were all cut. Since they shoved all that wang in your face in the movie.
American Gods is my favorite book ever. It was the first book I read that was definitely fantasy but wasn't FANTASY, you know? But to each their own.
In a weird way, it's the best part of Lego Batman 2.