

One of life's great tragedies is that evil people die and are not punished for being terrible.

Innocent of rape or not, the account of Kobe Bryant's Colorado encounter was disgusting.

I think people who get caught in that kind of, as you put it, "feedback loop", would be well-served to experience actual feedback as an example of the value and beauty of actual sonic feedback. It's horrible and goes downhill from there.

It definitely complicates in the face of what I feel people are trying to do in treating genders equally.

More unrelated talk about Youth in Revolt next time. That movie was/is hilarious.


The fact that you call it Pop Pop means you're not ready for it.

Honestly, this sounds more awesome than most Kickstarters, which promise the sky but can't even deliver wet water.

I think it's up to fans to decide how they want to be treated. I backed Murder by Death's album, and the process was wonderful and very fair. I backed Sonos when it was looking dicey at the end, over two years ago, and they've still yet to deliver. I've never even heard of their music; I just thought I'd be nice, back

Oh, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus, it's a hint. About kudzu.

I really came to enjoy Braca. It's just a wonderful performance where you feel like the actor is having the time of his life.

I just watched, "I, Borg", recently, and it seems to imply that while Picard is certainly still a capable Captain, he is not unchanged by his experiences about the Borg ship.

My mind is in pieces on the floor now.

I really liked how Crais evolved from "MacGuffin for why we go places" to his more active role on the show. i always think of cartoons from when I was a bit younger, like Pirates of Dark Water, that purported to have a real story but never seemed to want to get around towards progressing it. This was not a problem for

I was a bit slow out of the gate and it gives me plenty of time to catch up, which I appreciate. I've been watching 3-5 episodes per week and I'll be in good shape once we return instead of going off of memory.

Yeah, I just read it for the first time six months ago and liked it enough that I asked for the hardbound copy for Christmas. This is something I want to read again, and something I'll introduce my child to someday as well. Not as an attempt to proselytize for atheism/agnosticism/whatever, but as a fantasy series.

@avclub-0d31ee6716b03f03ebfc8e1d13728ce0:disqus , it very much posits God as the "fabric of the universe" kind of thing, which is far more interesting and enlightening, at least to me, than "bearded cloud-man."


Powerpuff Girls is my favorite. You'd think it was just a show for kids, a cute little action show, and to some degree  it is, but it's also an immeasurably clever show that knows exactly what it's doing. The callbacks to classic cartoons, the way most every episode is really a send-up of some classic trope, it's just