
I love Hail to the Thief.

Also, it's terrible and not funny.

Will isn't as compelling, but he allows a link to our own reality that Pullman obviously needs. The doctor was even less compelling for me.

Also, again, NO ONE KILLS GOD. God is trapped by his angels and is no longer sane or powerful. Metatron took over when his power exceeded God's and he tried to rule with an iron fist. He is the true antagonist of HDM.

People who say the last Narnia book is the only overt one have really lost me. The very first book reenacts Christ's death in such an obvious manner. The bait and switch is early, but it's clearly there, as kids go on magical adventures and then Christ is killed and rises. That he's a lion doesn't help, since it's a

It was my exposure to Rilo Kiley and I thought it was hilariously bad at trying to be "seedy."

There's a lot of faith in an obvious Jesus stand-in who pulls the same jerk moves as the Christian God. Makes me uncomfortable as an adult. Didn't as a child, but it also kept it from being good fantasy, because all the markers were there.

It would've made the immaculate conception much more interesting.

That was that one. Of Judah.

I don't see how Jesus, being a part of an omnipotent and omniscient God, could be uncertain. Scared of human pain, which he apparently planned, I guess, but uncertainty?

I both respect and loathe that ending, because most of the movie made me sick to watch, and I felt both had and impressed by the end.

He's the guy with the giant Tesla coils… you know, Tesla? And Gollum is there?

I liked the twist but it sucked all of the air out of the end of the film.

Twitter followings are the most shallow way to support people for free on Kickstarter. At least give me your chewed-up gum; that's a THING.

This is a good thing. Rich people need to stop asking fans to stop funding their vanity projects. It's… unseemly.

Er… no? If anything, sewing was the WRONG thing to do in context of the main plotline. She does in the denouement but that's about bonding with her traditional mother.

Disney approves of murderating but not alcohol.

I am pleased by this. Brave has been a bit of a soapbox for me, as I thought it was far better than most other people while also enjoying how its main character wasn't defined by her gender. Gender politics were involved, but all of those involved in it resolved those by just walking away from it at the end. Merida is

One of those is true.

That doesn't change with marriage. You just know who it's going to be whenever it happens.