
American Gods is my absolute favorite book. Some of the asides I like, and some I don't, but they all had an interesting flavor to the work.

The feeling I got was that Jobs was right sometimes, but even when he was right he went about it poorly, and that the ugly sausage-making of how business works was fully on display.

I'm supposed to finish The Hunger Games but after finishing Catching Fire I really don't want to.

I would think @avclub-4dae7032e72753a6c9d24a71307f561f:disqus would understand the concept of two mothers. You'll be hearing from my law-talking guy!

It seems like a very specific tome.

Yeah, I don't like Foxx either (haven't since the 90s), but he's certainly a good actor so I kind of put my hate on hold when watching movies he's in.

I'm reasonably excited about it. Especially because it's not early stuff and then nothing. It gets capped with The World's End, so I figure it's going to stick the landing pretty darn well.

We are!

Why is everyone wearing John McClane's used wifebeater?

A man can have two examples of a famous sexy woman.

Perhaps on some boat around Antarctica way, where parkas are always unzipped.

You seem like a cool dude deserving of such a responsibility.

Disney's recent 2D stuff has been pretty solid. I could see doing it less, but every 3-5 years there should be a new one for sure. 2D animation seems less tied to a feeling of time period.

I think you're missing that we haven't had Superman's origin story in more than thirty years on film. Do we all know it? Sure. But if you're trying to reinvent who Superman is for current audiences, you've got to reframe his origin story.

What occurs to me is the false argument often had by atheists and the religious about why we do good, or at least why we do not harm. While religion generally says, "Don't be a bad person", it is probably not the reason a vast majority of people don't hurt others. I don't fail to commit crimes because of the legality

Why is everyone wearing Lena Headey masks?

Because it will be The Best Movie of 2013.

Humans are SUPERIOR!

Most of those levels have a lot more going on than your old-fashioned red bird levels.

High Valyrian sounds amazing.