
That was my favorite part in the books, when Daenerys challenges the evil warlock cabal to a hula hoop match for her dragons.

I saw an interview with him once on Youtube, and in the comments section it was all women talking about how he was the most gorgeous man they'd ever seen. There's definitely money to be made with Roman Reigns.

What I remember from high school was during finals, the PE final was a test that took like 15 minutes, then watching a bunch of football highlight videos the teacher had. I also remember that every single video at some point would feature a music montage with Bon Jovi's "Shot Through the Heart" playing in the

Is this sort of like how delicious a chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A is, but I can't separate from their anti-homosexual stance?

I know I enjoyed the part in Man of Steel when Superman declared vengeance on all tornadoes after one took his father away.

I'd love some Savage Dik.

So I've got this thing going on, and I figure why not turn to advice from the comments section!

I hate Kratos from the God of War games. I seriously hate that fucker so much I couldn't even bring myself to play the third one.

What's this Post Office show you're talking about? Is it a spin off of Cheers starring Cliff?

Battlestar Galactica
Had that one episode where you see Starbuck gettin' busy with somebody, only to be revealed to be Guyus Baltar. It was cool because it was simultaneously surprising and icky.

I probably haven't seen Wayne's World in ten years, and I think I've spent that whole time thinking it was Sean Young not LFB in that role.

I haven't really heard it to this day myself. My wife was channel surfing the other day and stopped on an episode of Glee where they sang it. It's been a few days and I still don't really remember what it sounds like.

I couldn't think of anybody good.
But for some reason this list made me think of artists who start seeming really original and different, but over time don't really evolve much. Guys like Ben Folds, Say Anything, or 311.

I haven't watched The Simpsons in years
But wasn't it a thing that whenever an episode was about Lisa, you knew it was going to suck?

Ranma 1/2
I always thought Akane was a better fit with Ryoga. And actually, I always thought Ranma would be a lot happier with Ukyo.

Grade school movies
I remember when I was in kindergarten or first grade they took us all into the gym and showed Willa Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. That movie's brutal enough for a five year old, but I remember the fat kid getting stuck in a tube messing me up more than anything. For my entire childhood I

My first time ever even hearing of High on Fire was as the second band on a bill that saw Vaux opening. The main performer that night was Andrew WK. That was a pretty wild show.

I went to see the North Mississippi Allstars years ago, and the opening act that nobody paid any attention to was Lucero. I've kept up with them, and they still remain one of my favorites.

I just vaguely remember seeing the Furlong one on basic cable years ago. But what I recall it had a southwest vibe going on. Wasn't Eddie and his fiance killed by Mexican gangsters or something?

I love the scene in Iron Monkey where the guy has to send his son away, and tells him not to cry because he's too old to cry. Then he totally turns around really fast so his son can't see that he's crying too.