pete deeble

I am actually just part way through season three, but am commenting here in hopes of someone seeing my comment.  I love this show in every way, but it occurred to me last night that the whole premise of the show falls apart with a simple life-insurance policy.  Seriously, I pay $20 a month for a half-million payout

christopher walken, joe dirt, digital underground
Good call on Christopher Walken, but you're wrong about Joe Dirt, which everyone knows is pure gold from start to finish.

on the lot
Yeah, I agree with everyone else on this now. I thought the first episode was fun to watch, and that it set the course for a good show to evolve. Then I saw the third or fourth episode (I'm not sure which) in which Carrie Fisher clumsily told every contestest what a great filmmaker they were, even though

antispam definitions
Oh man, the fake Mevily Headicated's post almost made me fall out of my chair with laughter. I've seen the end of this definition game coming for a while now, but I think that post should be declared the official death blow.

more on encores
I agree with Staircar- Built to Spill usually doesn't do encores, so it's special when they do (I've also seen them do the whole 'here's our encore, you don't need to clap for it' routine).

so it sounds like…
your review could be summed up as 'Even more confusing than the second one, none of the fun of the first' or 'Everything you hated about the second one and a whole lot more of it.' Therefore, I will definetely skip this.

I think the last 4 posts all just stated the exact same thing. Man, Lost is so hot right now. HOT!

In addition to what decal wrote…
We've already seen that when Desmond's visions get tampered with, they don't come out the way he saw them. Case in point: The chick in the parachute was supposed to be Penny, but since Desmond saved Charlie, it was some other chick. Charlie had to die for his vision to work out the

Just one more post to say that last night's episode rocked. And Tom the Dog, your post was hilarious dude ("kicked my face's ass" had me rolling). Lost-Yeeeaaaahhhhh!

last post, I promise
Scott, reading over your post again, I realize that I agree with you more than I had initially realized. I like rooting for the people that I have things in common with. It's part of the reason that I root for Sufjan Stevens even though I find his music to be mostly insufferable. I think I read

james1 and Rich
James1, it is not a lie. It was hyperbolie. Of course there are a lot of Christian and conservative voices in popular culture, but most of them are no good. 95% of the good music and films are from liberals, at least it seems that way. So for someone like Scott, I doubt that it's very often that he

Scott again
Yo Scott, I also appreciate the Mea Culpa. To respond to your previous post:

OK, I know I'm late to the party and that you've already posted a retraction of sorts, but I would still pose this question to you (Scott):

The Lot
Did anyone else watch this show after ai, which was basically 'America's next top director?' I think I'm hooked on this already.

taking it personally
I recently had an email exchange with Bill Groffier (The Embarrasment/Big Dipper) that kind of ended on a bad note. It was my fault, really, but still, I've found it hard not to let that experience affect the way I hear his music now.

The radiohead question and answer was worth the virtual ink for the Beavis and Butthead quote alone. Now I'm going to be thinking of my favorite B&B moments for the rest of the day- this is a good thing.

killer bunnies ect.
This movie definetely had a scene with killer bunnies. Chainsaw and Dave run out with "killer" bunnies and fake blood all over their faces as a tribute to the Italian chick during a field trip to the zoo.

Nels Cline
Judging by the picture, yes, Nels is the lead guitarist (see tall dude in the back with the red shirt).

Noel, this is the third time I've seen you use the word "fussy" to describe a record. Any chance you could explain what you mean by that?

2 blogs at a time
Hell yeah.