
HA… I love the idea of Prince being obsessed with New Girl… I'm picturing him reading the ridiculously long series of interviews the AVClub did through season 2 with Elizabeth Meriweather about the development of the show.

I think I remember April and Andy explaining in season 3 that they had tricked Ben into paying too much rent when he became their roommate, and they were all living together at that time.

Use of "deuteragonist" in this review was excellent.

Agreed… although I am facing the prospect of moving out of state for grad school, and getting worried about how to transport all of my beautiful books. Having them all stored in my kindle is looking better and better… as much as I sort of hate the thing.


I want to see Mellie and OLIVIA unite for this same purpose.

Thanks! I hope it's useful. I have been obsessively researching this for years after finishing my undergrad, but I haven't had the guts to apply. But I think this is the year!

I am hoping to apply to MFA programs, Fall 2014. I'm nervous about how difficult it is to get into those programs and I'm afraid to abandon my steady job in another field. What to do after an MFA is scary. Related jobs (esp. in academia) are few and far between. The advice I've heard is that you pursue an MFA

I think the actress who plays Haddie is completely off the show this season.

Claire Danes again??

ugh… it was funny but it owed way too much to bridget jones.

Was looking for someone to point this out!

my math gives me 50% with Plaza and Pratt

It was also his audition song… 
Embarrassed that I know this.

Obligatory reply as "annyoudeviousbastard".

…teach us your ways please? Unless 2015 is an exaggeration.

Ehhh I don't know… have you ever seen Todd Van Der Werff's reviews of Girls? Because he LOOOOVES Girls.

1. Does anyone else think Jake was lying when he told Olivia he was sleeping with her on orders?

When I saw that they used the Albatross arc to just return to the Defiance arc, I got worried that they were using it as a crutch to prop up a vague/uninteresting new plot. However I think the Defiance plot didn't feel very resolved earlier in the season and marrying it to the Albatross arc let the writers explore it

Yeah at first while Fitz was explaining the plan, I was like, that's right, give Mellie the damn world because that's the ONLY way you could justify booting her out of the White House. (Setting up a good political career for her, not embarrassing her in front of America, holding off on the whole "immediately move