
Question for Marah and the AV Club team: when you say "The Sand Snakes" do you mean all three, of one of them…

Anyone want to tell him that ungulates are actually animals, not those with three stomachs (though I would assume there is some overlap)?

The glaring omission I have is from perhaps the greatest live act of all time: Queen. Their version of "Radio GA GA" from LiveAid in '85 had hundreds of thousands of people arm saluting in unison. It was Freddie Mercury at the height of his rock 'n roll prowess. It made that concert worthwhile.

The Game tour is my dream concert (I was born in '88, after they'd stopped touring). I've seen the YouTube videos of Queen Montreal, when they were throwing down Dragon Attack and Another One Bites the Dust. That's awesome that you got to see them at the peak of their rock 'n 'roll powers.

"You know that question about which band you would travel back in time to catch in its prime? For me, the answer is always Queen, for the chance to hear Freddie Mercury in person. There isn’t even anyone in second place."

How were no Splinter Cell / Sam Fisher questions asked? "The world's small, nasty, and complicated. Everybody dies alone."

You're right, I forgot to mention that he also uses his own criteria for viewing and good television selectively and not uniformly across events. Thanks for that.

Eh… it's solid criticism in the political journalism sense, but with respect to the sporting aspect it's tough to take any of this seriously. Not when the main complaint is that no one was eliminated, but yet the article contained the line “The American team was eliminated once Abbott fell…” And that’s not even true;