
"As usual, Kurt's an ass and gets away with it. The way he treats Puck is
inexcusable, and destroys the sense of relationship the original team

Will did not accuse Puck and in no way hurt him. To the contrary, Will validated Puck's emotions of wanting the jacket, to the extent he would have even forgiven its theft if Puck (or either of them, as it turned out) had indeed stolen it, and so need not apologize to anyone about any aspect of their interaction.

Partly in light of having heard Lea say that Adele was her shower go-to, it's easy to imagine a relatively technically simple ballad (that even Dylan can sing) would be Rachel's choice (and believe me, it would be HER choice) for a first private love duet with Finn, if only to cultivate in his mind a psychology of

My main point is that there was an enormous difference for me in the emotional impact of the performance between the full recording and the telecast.

MYFML is a quiet expression of romantic love. It can become "depressing" when it's performed as a memory of lost love with only the pain conveyed. When, as in Lea's performance, one of her very greatest, we also get a sense of appreciation for a time of joy, however brief, it becomes life-affirming, which was the

To properly judge a Glee song, one should listen to an uncut version in a quality source (e.g., iTunes or CD, not YouTube, and certainly not the telecast) on good audio equipment (not a laptop's internal speakers). Try it for Mark's "No Surrender" and you might just agree with my amazement at finding it to be the most

"Teen love"!? Being 30 doesn't make a person adult, and being 19 doesn't make a person adolescent. Finn was in college and was an teaching intern in a high school. Rachel, singing with the interpretive skills of a mature artist, has just been selected, over the spite-filled bodies of every available, under-40

1. The producers would have known from the start that Rachel's inexperience was risky. Why invite her to yet another callback? (Answer: she's more talented than all her competitors.)
2. For "Funny Girl", Fanny would be cast first, and if the Nick and Fanny lacked chemistry, you get another Nick. The show is called

"Stealing Don Draper's identity was a huge risk."
Oh, please. He was a cowardly deserter trying to escape combat.

"There is nothing [Don] can say to 'win' Sylvia back, so he says nothing at all. "
"[Peggy] rebuffs the Beard, but keeps the friendship."

Is "Tumblr" a brilliant, professional drama critic? No? Then fuck "Tumblr" and its arrested adolescent and anachronistic mindset.

"The question for many of us obsessive fans isn’t what Don Draper will get up to next but what Matt Weiner will get up to next. "
What Weiner needs to get up to next is a review of some Sopranos scripts. There he will find the old Jewish shrink's comment to Carmela:
"Many patients want to be excused for their current

I did not suggest Don himself was universal, rather that his quest was. I see nothing in his behavior that remotely resembles "splitting" as defined in the referenced article; it strikes me as a pseudo-scientific way to excuse a shit.

Don is a single person who displays no signs of any multiple personality disorder. Despite (because of?) a troubled, dishonorable past, he is trying to discover how to lead his life and with whom. It's what most people do, except that most people become satisfied with the answer early on. Don may be a shit in many

If "jerk" is now a satisfactory pejorative for an unintentionally hilarious, pathetic philanderer and blackmail-rapist, then it's not just you, Sir (or Madam). I, OTOH, prefer to think of Pete as one of the more upstanding turds in the cesspool.

Considering its provenance, it's no surprise I get the same pleasure these days from Mad Men as I used to get in the latter stages of The Sopranos: waiting to see how a bad guy dies. Will it be eating a gun at the horror!, the horror! of succeeding in his quest to find his true self, will it be Gatsby-like, shot dead

Miscarriage? Abortion? Guilt-driven Catholicism? Premonition of divorce? Fear of having a narcissistic, proven paternal failure, over-the-hill, amoral, poison-pushing, and (most damning of all these days) picnic litterer, father her children? Who knows or can know? Dump his pathetic ass, Megan, and "move forward".

A spouse who cheats feels psychological power over a faithful partner.

A man to whom a mistress says she prays for him to find peace may reasonably be called "pathetic". Love, for a wife or one's own child, is not about feeling, it's about showing. That's what maturity and responsibility are all about.