
Yeah…and I made that vagina joke in the last edition of this column.

Get the eff outta here with that weak ass Josh Whedon shit!

Double post much?

I second that sentiment…that pic of Rosie is gonna turn me queer.

Way to catch the Jared Diamond reference…

Guns, Germs and
Horniness drives me to succeed as well!

This would be a good time to link to the recent McSweeney's piece:

Dan, move to NYC like the rest of your countrymen!

Hard Eight / Sydney
Anyone else like this one? I think it's a better freshman film than the Coen Bro.'s "Blood Simle."

Also, you likely meant to say "no sequels" in the 2nd sentence of the last paragraph but forgot the word "no." Feel free to delete my comments btw, I'm just trying to be helpful…

As a part-time copy editor, I'd like to point out that you left out the word "God" in your 2nd reference to the "Great God of Commerce" in the 3rd paragraph. Tis possible there's a Freudian angle there, given the the Hebrews' preference for "G_d."

The DMX Appreciation Society

This comment is useless without pics!

I was going to note that I forgot to put a comma after the word "seriously" in my post, but then I realize that it works either way.

I agree…and seriously bisexual writers of Stereogum (I'm looking in your direction BrooklynVegan), in what universe is Feist a "hottie"?? Feist has that local activist chick look, by which I mean she's not somebody you'd ever fantasize about, but who would potentially turn you on with her wit or something…

Has been vindicated.

oh I got this one!

I'm also guilty of being a member of the bar…legal aid lawyers represent!

I just want to add that Amelie had a winner with this line:

Kimmel needs writers?
The last time I watched his show, his entire monolouge consisted of showing videos of news items and then looking for the usual awkward reaction from Uncle Frank. Tis high art, indeed.