
I seem to remember that as well, that The Trouble With Tribbles was suppose to be another Mudd episode but they couldn't get the actor so just wrote a new character

The biphobia in this episode made me want to scream. It's like they wanted to make sure they hit every prejudice about bisexuals they could. First she doesn't want to date him because he's been with men, then it's assumed that he has STD's, and finally OF COURSE HE'S A CHEATER!
The only thing they missed is having

I'd be fine watching Jim Rash in the virtual reality machine for a whole episode.
And not seeing the virtual reality, just him waving around and occasionally saying "Jesus Wept!"

My first thought on seeing the title was "am I reading the Onion?"
My second was "this works either direction"

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians needs to be on this list.

I'm confused
Is this supposed to be a prequel to the Burton Planet of the Apes, or to the older Ape movies.
And if it's the latter, where exactly does this fit into the time line? I'm guessing it's after Escape but before Conquest.

It's getting to the point . . .
I'm having a hard time telling the difference between Kevin Smith and Micheal Moore.
And that's not (entirely) a fat joke.

I would pay good money to see a Roland movie!!!

You've already have that weird Picasso Dog thing statue (yes, I know it's not a dog, but it looks like one to me), what else do you want?

I don't really see much similar in these pics. Unless LaChappelle is arguing that he invented bondage.

Excuse me, I'm off to read a review of a show I don't like, didn't watch, then post on the comment board how awful it was.

No, they would just make not as funny versions.

I've been waiting for Brothers just so I can give my rant about it.
I think the emotion chip was a mistake. This is the way I think it should have played.
Data: Why do you make me without emotions?
Soong: What makes you think I made you without emotions? The mistake I made with Lore was giving him fully formed

My guess
I think Dempsey is human, I think Thomas sold him something that made him younger and he's now trying to reproduce it. That would explain the old kids, why he wanted to stop the release of the EBE's (it would reveal what he's been doing), and how he did the young/old thing.
Am I the only one who was annoyed

At the time the Secret Service didn't know where he was, the very reason for his call to them.

My list
I have a list of people that I don't want to know that they have sex,
These two are now on it, The Situation is way up there just for the way he waved those condoms around (and made sure everyone knew they were Magnums)

My opinion
I think the phase "It's on like Donkey Kong" is Streets behind

Surprised this hasn't been mentioned
He hasn't done the dead Garfield strips, but they would be really creepy if he did.