
"So wait, am I playing soccer or is it the kid controlling me?

"So wait, am I playing soccer or is it the kid controlling me?

"You know there are no drugs in this, right?"

"You know there are no drugs in this, right?"

"Do you think I could go from being on a terrible show to being a rap star too?"

"Do you think I could go from being on a terrible show to being a rap star too?"

"This damn movie better be good. Clooney is getting insufferable."

"This damn movie better be good. Clooney is getting insufferable."

"Seriously, two martinis AND a beer?"

"Seriously, two martinis AND a beer?"

At least Andy was funny this week.

I'm going with Tommy dying. I'm thinking something like Tommy dies saving Black Shawn, partially because Lou is too out of shape to do it so he ends up with survivor's guilt, and the last scene is Lou talking to Tommy's ghost.

What the fuck happened at HQ?
How did getting some dude fired get Tommy off suspension?

Funniest One So Far
I liked this ep a lot. The Bear jokes were pretty good throughout, especially in the band scene.

Dealing Logistics
I hate how this show treats dealing drugs like it's any other business. Andy does an afternoon of market research and Nancy decides "There's a hole in the market"? The people of NYC need Nancy Botwin to supply them with their weed b/c 2 dealers she heard about in a halfway house stopped?

Worth Reviewing
I think last season definitely did not warrant weekly reviews, but like the reviewer said, the end of season 6 was pretty damn good. And since it sounds like the show has some momentum going, I'd like to read weekly reviews.