
Not even gonna lie
For me, 'Boardwalk Empire' is all I'm REALLY looking forward to.

Drakes piece of shit album
got a better grade than this one? ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Pretty much looks it will take a miracle for a 3rd season order at this point.

Just a FYI
The next episode is still available to watch on the starz website. And it is awesome.

Oh. Well I like to find ways to blame FOX for any problem in my life since they canceled Firefly.

Yeah I just re-watched it and was kinda amazed with how much they got done in one episode.

Yeah I was disappointed to read about Nimoy "re-retiring". Would be nice to get some William Bell in the 3rd season.

Wait, Lizzy Caplan got naked in the first season? What episode?

Ya'll triflin
You guys really take this "analyzing the whole album" stuff seriously.

Everything Luke said
this episode was GOLD. Love that kid.

LOST has always finished well, for the most part every season finale has been very good (exception is S2).

No show's opening theme gets you in the mood for that hour like Deadwood's did. Not even my beloved The Wire.

Raylan got more bodies on him than a Chinese cemetery.

To me this show is kinda like SOA Season 1. A good show with a solid premise, that's on the brink of becoming a great show. Hopefully, like SOA, they make that leap in Season 2.

What about
THE CABIN. I was really hoping we'd learn how/ if Smokey was indeed trapped their for a period of time. I mean, it was kind of a big deal back in season 3/4. Maybe when Illana burned it to the ground in the finale last season it was the writers way of saying "We're done with this story"?

It was also a meta way of the writers saying "yes, we know some of you have a problem with how douchey Ted acts sometimes"

Biggest laugh of the night for me was when the robot said "Is that all you've got, Bitch?"

Kermit fuckin Ruffins, yo.