Art Student

"I apologize for nothing!"

Claude…the book was pretty damn creepy up until Hallorann is coming back up the road to rescue Danny and has to fight gigantic topiary animals. The part where Danny is imagining that the topiary animals are getting closer and closer - that was really creepy. Actually having those giant topiary animals fighting some

Off the top of my head, I consider Fight Club, The Shining (Kubrick version), and American Psycho to be superior to the books.

Also: Jack Kerouac bores the shit out of me.

I watched this movie when I was in middle school with a girl I was completely enamored with. She was so very cool and interesting and creative in ways I would never be. I didn't get the movie at all, and thus felt bad for being such a a sheltered, uninformed square. This MYOF entry makes me feel better about

Maybe it's just me, but I'd take a private museum trip over shopping any day. I love museums.

He's not even that akward
My boyfriend's brother is borderline Aspergers, and he is waaaay less charming than this guy.

I was watching comedy central with my mom when that episode came on.

Her name was "Nana" and she would've stopped Peter if she hadn't been tied up outside by their asshole father earlier that night.

Blah Blah Blah: The Quickening

I don't actually remember doing this because I was four or five, but my parents tell me it's true. Because my grandma worked at the church rectory, our local catholic priest (who smoked) was a family friend. He was over at my grandma's and was saying something to me, and I guess he must've been rather close to my

Yes, I'm a ham.

Cigarette Prices Going Up
All this talk about cigarettes is making me think of how the taxes on tobacco just went up where I live. I think packs only went up by a dollar or something, but the big ol' sacks of loose tobacco that my roommates buy went up by 10 bucks. I had a funny little conversation about it with one

I'm convinced the whole damn show is fake. Or rather, that's what my brain concluded while watching that opening sequence. This can't really be happening.

I spent one spring break camping in Panama City with my dad and best gay male friend. It was weird.

Mo'nique made a far better headmistress than Sharon Osbourne.


I don't see the femininity in wrestling. You two should passive-aggressively one-up each other about who's life is shittier. That's how we ladies do it!

I'm reminded of a scene from a James Bond movie where Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry are either about to have or just finished having sex on a pile of diamonds. In addition to how much that would hurt, I bet you would also get some diamonds in the ol' vahjayjay.

I think Persepolis worked because the style of the graphic novel lends itself to animation. The backgrounds and settings are either minimal or non-existant, and the style of drawing is very loose and unconventional. I don't know, it's just a lot easier to imagine Persepolis 'moving' than Maus. For some reason I