and the news

First Kiss
I wish Blaine would have told Kurt that the physical assault he endured was not his "first kiss." It was a bigger guy forcing himself on Kurt without his consent—no romance involved there.

canada, eh?
Loved the maple leaf backpack shtick—mostly because it is true.

I agree.

In the Christmas Episode where Ned is holding everyone hostage at the Buy More. He allows everyone to make a phone call. Casey's goes something like this: "Mother? It's Johnny Boy." Odd comment for an Alexander to make.

Anyone else get a kick out of Chuck thumbing through the bad guy "flash" cards?

Part of what makes HItchhiker works is the Britishness of it, hiring Yanks into several of the leads (Ford, Trillion, Zahod) detracted from the film.

i would think that on the shrute farm they would shoot their own horses in the head.

in my travels to Africa I learned that Swahili was developed as a "trade language." The result is that noone speaks it as a first language. Either a tribal language or English would be the first and/or primary language.

I"m also from Western PA.

Kung Fu
One thing that bothered me about the show from the beginning (Chuck brings it up in the Tango episode) is that he needed training in self-defense. He never got any training—I guess the intersect brought him up to speed on that.

I also had an "uh oh" moment when Chuck went postal. But the awkwardness of its execution was just brilliant. (I'm betting Zac Levi LOVED to finally get to do something in an action sequence besides cowering or "waiting in the car."

Casey the Wedding Planner
"Sir, how do you spell Begonia?"
"Sound it out."

Casey: Ditto.

I think Revisited is on the right track.

"Group hug!"

"Underpants, etc."

Season Three
Supposing Chuck does get renewed—in what direction do you see the show moving?

Outing of the Intersect?
Can't believe no one has mentined Chuck "flashing" on Barstow and telling Jill, who counters with a very serious "How do you KNOW that? All I could think of was "oops."

Chicken Teriyaki—-mmmmm best Subway sandwich by far. I'M with you big mike!!

Sledge Hammer
Anybody else remember Sledge Hammer? Great show from the 1980s which, like Chuck, never got the ratings it deserved. It ended season one with the world's best clffhanger ending. Its unexpected renewal led to a very silly and cool resolution. Show only lasted two seasons. (it is out on DVD—minus the