
I was thinking more of the iZombie variety. Come to think of it, that show's never done a White Zombie song (they did have the obvious Cranberries cover last year).

At least is wasn't zombies.

Fair enough - no one every accused Jon of being articulate.

I like insulting Jon's intelligence as much as the next, but in fairness, that's exactly the argument he made.

Please tell me Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are already in. Please?

Damn 18th century hipsters.

We've got to have priorities. Everyone knows the Winter Olympics are the real marquee event.

I'm three episodes into this storyline. You're telling me it goes on for the entire season? A- or not, I don't think I can last that long.

In law school they let you bring the answers into the test (yes, I know that's harder than it sounds).

I loved the opener - it implies that this is the kind of crazy thing the FBI gets up to all the time in the Twin Peaks-verse.

I love that idea! I assume Smug Un-American-ness is the guy from that Molson "I Am Canadian" ad?

Or just send Talulah Riley twice?

I don't think Broussard went through their algorithm - hasn't he been underground since the arrival?

Hey, there's still the Grammys.

Maybe so, although I thought this episode suggested that Heather might be better at observing things and giving advice to others, rather than actually acting to make changes in her own life (until she decided to move out of her parents house, that is).

It's pretty amazing. Up until this week I really didn't get what Heather was doing on the show. Her character seemed kind of thinly drawn, and she didn't have a clear role in the story. Then in one episode everything falls into place, and in a way that flows naturally from what we've seen before.

Speaking of rushed, do you think the show was given some sign that it wouldn't be back for a third season (besides the ratings, that is)? I'm really enjoying this season, but they seem to be rushing through plot at lightning speed - reminds of season 2 of Dollhouse.

I applaud the general sentiment, but I think in this case 'shutting down a major bridge to spite a rival' qualifies as doing harm.

The other characters jumped down a fair bit in my esteem that season - so same result I guess.

Hmm… By last episode's logic, would that line mean White Josh is in love with Rebecca?