
LordFlashheart offers the most compelling theory on the origins of Juno backlash. Although, I wouldn't entirely discount anti-woman effect. It's interesting to me and possibly telling that there seems to be a considerable overlap between the folks who hate Juno and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And of course, there are

John Stewart as The Green Lantern would be great, especially if they cast Idris Elba in the role.

Al Bundy?

Most of Bill Murray's lines in Ghostbusters
"Sounds like you've got at least two people in there. Might be a little crowded."

Same thing happened to me, except for it was The Rocketeer that did me in. That Nazi propaganda cartoon with the rocket-packed stormtroopers was pretty damn cool looking to me as a kid. I just looked it up and its still pretty cool looking.

Given the overlap between the stoner and D&D communities, I'm just surprised no one has done something like this before.

Another fun Cheney fact and point for the "Yes he actually is a super villain" column:

Naw, just a Matt in here. Sorry for the confusion.