
Pretty sure picking Erasure for that episode was just to get Ted Las Vegas'd up and singing.

good point about community. Just another reminder of how good that episode was. 2nd for me to Dungeons and Dragons, but that's like 1 and 1a.

- The show though it's entirety has always kept The Todd consistent, even to the detriment of certain episodes (My Lunch), I don't see Todd celebrating his sexual harassment record as being sexist, I see it as a funny bit, that matches who Todd is. Now if this was one of someone's first ten episodes they watched, It


While I agree with your assessment on season 1, I have always liked the episode with the racing factory. No idea why, just found it enjoyable.

He did lose weight. I was thinking the same thing.

I said earlier I thought that arc was a little lame, until the end. I loved that twist. It made that arc so much better than I thought it would be.

I was thinking what you stated in the review as I watched this episode on Hulu. Harvey has his own set of rules for loyalty, and if you don't follow them, well you are damned.(Except for the first part in the pilot, where Mike says he is gonna out Harvey for trying to hire him, and Harvey LITERALLY states, you just

I meant I want new italics for that 1 specific purpose. But I know I could have used italics.

Season 7 at it's finest.

Agreed, I loved this episode, and I am glad the internet wasn't as big as it is now to ruin it for me.

For me it goes

A couple thoughts.

"But it's still funny?"

I was shocked to learn that Fox didn't even get nominated for his 3 episode run on Scrubs. I didn't start watching Scrubs until later, and I looked up to see if he had won anything for his portrayal right after watching his arc on DVD.

I don't know if this was mentioned, but on some panel, they stated that the original plot to My Rule of Thumb for the virginal patient, was to be that she wanted to try some weed. NBC shot that down, so they went with whores, which NBC was completely okay with.

I feel like Danni is underdeveloped, and miscast in this role, and I think on the DVD extras they state that. When they bring her back as basically, a whore(or herself in real life) She becomes a much better character. Her being a background character when they get quarantined in season 4 is a decent example.

Yeezus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? - John 10:32
