Ernest Borgnine

Actually I think Shinola is really accessible. There are some really excellent songs on that record, and it showcases their weird side in full force.

Haha, seriously, it seems like everyone is trying to bury that record. It's not great, but it's got "Blue Balloon" and that song is the shit.

that was pretty tame by troll standards.

Re: Writerly self-criticism
One of my very favorite moments in the series is the cold, dead stares Annyong gets in "Best Man For The Gob", as if the family has completely run out of patience for him and are disgusted by his presence alone. This culminates in Gob's "Would someone please tell this insufferable child to…

may this account go to the lowest ring of gimmick account hell and never be heard from again!!!!!!

Capping the relationship with Andy and April saved the show for me. All that business with the Venezuelan guy in the season opener left a really sour taste in my mouth, because it seemed like a cheap way to reach for tension (although I thought the Dave Matthews Band business was hysterical. "We're gonna jam

one of my biggest issues was thinking adam scott was way too young to be playing a romantic interest to amy poehler, when in fact they are a year apart.

I guess he hates most of Linnell's music then, which is all hook.

Definitely "When Will You Die". The thought occurred the first time I heard the song.

Don't you think the pothead analogy would actually be better suited to Ween? TMBG's fans are for the most part just nerds. Ween's are a notoriously drug-addled crowd. I'm a pothead and I love them both.

Mink Car is like, the worst shit ever. The Spine has a couple pretty great tunes, as with The Else. They haven't been consistent since Apollo 18, though.

Thanks for this
Too many people are unfamiliar with his work outside of cinema. He's one of the best American songwriters we've got, and on top of that he's totally down-to-earth and funny as hell. The world needs more Randy Newmans.

You're right! My objective opinion is wrong!

I'm surprised
By all this misplaced hate for him. He's probably the best living American songwriter besides Brian Wilson. He has a vast knowledge of harmonic structure and melody combined with diverse lyrical ability. There's a reason people keep using him for movies: it's because he makes traditionally great popular

Let's talk about my nephew
Tim Heidecker is in this.

For what it's worth
I'm all for it.

He took a couple questions from the students, and when someone asked him to do the Independence Day speech, he said "I am not a puppet on a string."

Mr. Pullman was the guest speaker at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival this year. He was drunk, and I think he fucked a student

california is one of the best goddamn albums ever made goddamnit. brian wilson would probably hail it as a masterpiece if it wouldn't scare the living shit out of him