Ernest Borgnine

I'm surprised
Jim Henson's Little Avant Garde Film is actually really interesting!

My favorite part
"Bye Stanley, I love you!"

That movie is the shittiest piece of shit I've ever witnessed. It's not even "so bad it's good". It's just dumb as hell and worthless. I caught a showing at like 4:45a on a movie channel and not even my warped, sleep-deprived mind could find entertainment from it.

May a witch lure you into her gingerbread house and throw you in a cauldron with cancer and AIDS.

Looking forward to is
Can't wait to see Chloe Sevigny as FAS

I will admit I'm CURIOUS to see what kind of product he'll create in a live-action format. He's gonna blow most of the budget on cutaways and clips though. "Gee Mark Wahlberg, this is worse than that time I went to Mount Everest with the Pope" and it'll be THE ACTUAL POPE in a cameo.

Why is Seth MacFarlane directing a movie. Who told him this was a good idea

ok i guess not

Oh cool new Beasties
Can we talk about how Adam Yauch has essentially turned into Gilbert Gottfried?

Well considering they ordered another season already I have something to look forward to.

Oh no
When I think of Randy Quaid, terror fills my heart. I can't sleep at night. Someone please put this maniac on death row.

Double meaning or "pun" based on predicted place in order of comments
I'm glad to see AV Club reviewing Metalocalypse this season because the 30-minute format is making it feel like a really solid show for me. The past seasons were the slight, flighting morsels of surrealist humor that Adult Swim usually provides, but

What unspeakable horror will Kirby battle in order to have dessert this time?
I'm considering buying a Wii off of Craigslist just to play this.

the HEART. underneath the fart jokes and cartoony graphics, there is some serious heartstring tugging in those games. especially mother 3.

how the hell do you have vi on your phone?!

I'm just not seeing it
Am I the only one who doesn't have any difficulty distinguishing Duhamel from Elephant? They look really different to me.

I'm sorry for the oversight Mr. Jalapeno, when I posted my substantial comment it hadn't loaded a bunch of others yet.

Who is this "Gordon Keith" character

I really enjoyed him in Sarah Marshall, but yes, he is close to intolerable outside of character.

A memoir written by a celebrity about how great it is to be a celebrity!