
There once was a man from Nantucket……..

@Scrawler2:disqus I think Frank would have known that the addict might be unreliable at times but I don't think he would necessarily anticipate a situation where  he was powerless to stop Russo bringing everything crashing down. Russo is a man with a strong conscience and a good heart and his decision to come clean

It was sudden but the only reason Russo had to die was because he went "fuck it" and decided he was going to tell the cops about the drink driving cover up and god knows what else and nothing Frank could offer him/threaten him with could change that. Mrs Underwood has the same problem with the hot pregnant

I liked him too. Given the obvious parallels between Tusk and Warren Buffett (lovable multi-billionaire with simple tastes) and the way he does seem to be a step ahead of both FU and the president could make him lots of fun in S2

minor point - Ian Richardson was never knighted (everyone just assumes he was) so he's "Mr Richardson" not "Sir Ian". He said himself "You can't play Francis Urquhart and then get knighted. It's just not possible"