
The Japanese blew off his shins, not the Nazis. Also, MY GOD YOU'VE GOT A FAT NECK, HANK.

If you look closely, you'll notice that neither of her scenes in this episode show Walt's face until he start kissing her and trying to justify what he's done. Chilled me to my creaky bones.

If you look closely, you'll notice that neither of her scenes in this episode show Walt's face until he start kissing her and trying to justify what he's done. Chilled me to my creaky bones.

If you look closely, you'll notice that neither of her scenes in this episode show Walt's face until he start kissing her and trying to justify what he's done. Chilled me to my creaky bones.

Have you seen their video with Skrillex? Clearly they must have some sense of humor.

Have you seen their video with Skrillex? Clearly they must have some sense of humor.

How about this offering?

How about this offering?

I remember that, I meant as some kind of actual restriction rather than a personal preference. By my recollection, this is the first episode in which a character tries to smoke somewhere they are actually not supposed to.

Is it just me or was that the first episode where a character was told that they were not allowed to smoke somewhere?

Hell yes this guy needs an editor. Have you seen Synecdoche, New York? You can tell Kaufman directed because it seems like nothing ended up on the cutting room floor.

Charlie Kaufmuller: This script is killing me, Dulam.

This has also been done to The Big Lebowski. Check it out here.

If only aging Luddite writers could use that excuse. But I think this is a misstep on Roth's part, not the transcriber.

No, but that'd be a hell of a lot more interesting than what he actually does. My Dad does IT for Mr. Roth and one of his (my Dad's) employees takes his manuscripts and puts them into Final Draft, because apparently he's too busy to learn how to use it himself.

Was the script that bad? I figure because of the F grade that it probably was, but Eric Roth is a client of my Dad's and I'm always interested to see what people think of his work.