Shue for America

Supergracias a Goya!

No, Martin Lawrence should be the black Jackson. And Gheorghe Muresan would be the judge.

Well, strictly speaking it would be "Amores Gansos". Vladimir still wins the thread, though.

Weird, I just watched a History Channel documentary called "Chinks of Tragedy: the Shaanxi Earthquake".

The Foo Fighters' comedy is pretty strange- they've got this whole Kaufmanesque extended joke where they pretend that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. I dig weird stuff - hell, I'm a Tim & Eric fan - but that shtick is just too far out there for me.

I'm with Peter Cooper
"If a guy wants to ruin his life trying to hit balls out of the park, why can't he?" Because that would make him a goddamn cheater. Besides, why should a player have to sacrifice his health just to keep up with the rest of the league?

Hey, sounds like everbody should check out Todd Snider's LATEST album, "The Excitement Plan".

Holy crap, I remember that song "Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues" from whatever crappy "alternative" station I listened to in high s- um, middle school. I'd started to think I had imagined the whole thing until I finally strung together enough of the lyrics to actually find it on Google. I remember it being pretty

Add me to the list of the creeped-out. Someone needs to get in here with statistics that getting hit in the head, feeling fine, then dying is actually pretty rare. Otherwise I'm gonna start wearing my old snowboarding helmet every time I get out of bed.

On Melmac, you know exactly how long you've going to live.

The best way to enjoy TFAD's shtick(?) is to glance at it just long enough to laugh at how long each post goes on.

Driving for fun is awesome, especially cross-country. Driving everyday because you have to (e.g. you commute in an area with subpar mass transit) sucks. I've driven in big cities just enough to know that NYC traffic would probably send me away screaming. I probably would never want to live anywhere that big anyway,

I never actually saw Pitchmen, but the ads genuinely surprised me - I never imagined Mays had any other register than that hard-sell falsetto. RIP

Holy crap, I only just now learned that "Notebook" Cassavetes and "guy I don't know anything about but I have a vague impression he's a highly respected director" Cassavetes are two different people. The world makes a lot more sense now.

You know, you can bypass the whole minefield of aesthetic relativism, because there's an objective way to support the idea that the teeming millions are idiots: nearly half of American adults think that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old.

mbs, get back in here! There's still a thread that doesn't end with one of your responses!

Sounds like Ebert didn't need a jaw to chew out Michael Bay.

I figure I should at least make a pro forma appearance in this thread.

Mine was more interesting too. Fuck you, AV Club, I didn't want to know your favorite colors anyway!!!

Late to the Book Club meeting
::bounds into room, holding aloft his copy of Blood Meridian::