Yeah, don't change the food or anything. It's the catchphrase that is holding you back.
Yeah, don't change the food or anything. It's the catchphrase that is holding you back.
He should just be made the official host of life.
Sad. RIP.
its on hulu. Getting better every week.
it's on hulu for free. Worth watching. Gets much better after the pilot.
That helps make the show title less awful. It is really about self-love and self-improvement, and getting over yourself. So the title is more apt that I first gave credit for.
But we actually did those scenes the night of the election. This one has to have been great timing alone.
The deadpan worked for some of the lines. But it was too much of "I am delivering this line of dialogue I don't quite understand' after a while.
right, it's about engaging with yourself, your life, and the people around you. If H and E are the only important people, then the show isn't living it's own theme.
Gizmo - that's what held my back from a A to an A-. Too soon for Henry to realize he's falling in love with her. That look should've ended season 1.
So was this Renee Z thing out there for months, and for whatever reason we all heard about it this week? Crazy timing for Selfie. Maybe they leaked it?
You got your wish! MLS is gone. Those inner monologues held it back from being a decent show.
I dunno. The boss guy is great. The bald wacky scientist guy. Uptight Joan. The pieces are there. Charmonique and her son got fleshed out tonight. Bald guy got some stuff with the silly 'flash mob' plot. Give it time.
Good point, David. But there still seems to be a relic of sexism in the source material. Even though the fact that he really is the one that needs to learn to change and accept people is pretty progressive when you think about it.
Totally @avclub-60b08acc1f3a4db4ff5f01c9fd828776:disqus. Really coming together nicely. Funny and a little sweet and lots of style.
Great episode. Some really funny stuff, a quick-moving and concise A and B story, and some great character beats and development. The 'side characters' are starting to flesh out nicely. The boss is always funny, Charmonique got to finally do something more than be sassy for 3 lines, and the lab guy and other office…
It wasn't bad. Not hugely funny. The inner-monologues were by far the least funny part. They didn't add anything but bad, boring, old-fashioned men and women stereotype humor.
Alright, cool. To each his own. I'd put Deep Space top 5 all time, personally. With Lemon Tree and Hank Scorpio 1 and 1a.
Hold up a second. You are actually saying that a Rodney Dangerfield hand-job episode is better than Deep Space Homer? No jokes, nothing about my user-name. Honestly, you think this episode is better than Deep Space Homer? For reals?
I was on the cover of Time, bitch.