Inanimate Carbon Rod

bullshit. The Baron IN me. The part of Milhouse that is Baron Von Costume. He becomes Baron Von Costume when he uses his kit.

that whole 'Missing Children…' scene is so perfect, starts with this onimous "Pet Sematary" kind of vibe, then drops perfect jokes on top of it.

that's one of my favorite little gags. The boys are so serious about THE LINE. And Lisa and Janey couldn't care less.

You're fired! And with good reason!

he was a jerk!

with Vitamin R !

They needed to end it with Tim Watley waking up from a dream, with a re-gifted label maker sitting on his lap.

Yup. I still think "Sounds like Springfields…got a discipline problem" "Yeah, maybe that's why we beat em at football nearly half the time!" is an absolutely perfect joke. Plus the line readings are gold.

THANK you!

Yay! my favorite (or at least the funniest) episode ever! Let's celebrate this sweet, sweet day by planting a Lemon Tree… lemon's being the sweetest fruit available at this time.

I can't remember the line leading up to it, but the kids sneaking through the grass, on their own, and then Homer just pops up with a big FOUND 'EM ! cracks me up every time.

You'll pay for that, Springfield !

Hey, that DOES work.

Let's all celebrate with a cool glass of turnip juice !

*almost* nothing.

And I think to myself… what a wonderful woiiillllldddd.

Alright piggy, start squealing! Where'd you get the lemons for that lemonade?

and that wig makes him look like one of the Beatles !

Hark to the tale of Nelson, and the boy he loved so dear! They remained the best of friends, for years and years and years !!

you must be stupider than you look!