
I'm just basically upset that people are sacrificing quality for convenience. I have a copy of the SACD of "Dark Side of the Moon" and it sounds simply fantastic. Too bad that format (and DVD-A) was basically killed by the iPod and all the millions of lossy AAC files that iTunes hath wrought.

"Dark Side of the Moon" = worst 8 track ever. The fades killed it.

Speaking of, when are we going to see a new album from Bowie? "Reality" was 5 years ago now.

Noel: that was nice how you ended this entry with a nod to The Pixies song ("Gouge Away") that Bearded Jack was cranking. I guess he has it on a "brooding grunge" mix along with Nirvana's "Scentless Apprentice". I'm also going to guess something from Soundgarden's "Superunknown" is on there too, along with

I'm just glad there wasn't a tense scene where there's a giant red LED countdown timer, and they cut the right wire with MERE SECONDS LEFT!

I blame Dharma for polar bears becoming an endangered species.

@Negative Horse

Actually, the lower temperature might decrease resistance in the metal wire, allowing electricity to flow FASTER through it. Is it Ohm's Law? I think a scientist named Faraday knows about that one—there we go with the character names again.

Thanks Noel
Great job with these recaps, Noel. They are always a great balance of plot and theories that doesn't go too overboard, and are always an enjoyable and enlightening read.

See you in another life, brother
Wow, just wow.

Sure, the 'Tarzan' scene was incredibly silly, but I thought SHIA THE BEEF did a fine job.

Let's go home
Wow, I'm going to miss this show, I'm also going to miss the great work Scott has done analyzing it, and the commenters who come on here to discuss it. Yeah, I'm getting a little emotional. Now I need some Irish whiskey.

The final episode of "Newhart" was better. The 1990 Bob Newhart had to travel through time to meet the 1978 Bob Newhart—it was mindblowing.

The Slaughterhouse Johnny 5?

I see a picture of Jack's vacant stare on the TV Club sidebar, so I guess that must mean there's a spot reserved for this show.

Secret Success = 27
Fiasco = 39
Failure = 35
Semi-Secret Fiascopiece = 1
Secret Failuress = 1
Total =103

Maybe it's more verbal than written, but I seriously hate people who put the word "on" where it doesn't belong, as in: "Don't hate on me" or "Good on you". It's not necessary, and it makes you sound like a complete idiot. Please stop.

In case you were all wondering, here's the Failure/Fiasco/SS breakdown, leading up to the unveiling of "The Final 13: Nabin Lives":

Give Me A Spanner Ralph
I still have a copy of "Eye", I've always had a soft spot for it even though it wasn't well received, or even given much airplay over here. "Executioner" is the best song Lennon never recorded. Can't find my copy of "Groovy Decay" (or was it Decoy?), but at least I've got "Gotta Let This Hen

Oh, never mind, someone already quoted the ZQ line already. So my post wasn't anything anyone hasn't said already.