Johnny Socko

I second your appreciation of Sorcerer. I remember seeing the trailer for Sorcerer when I first saw Star Wars in '77, and it creeped me the hell out (the trailer, not Star Wars). I never got to see it in the theater, and wouldn't you know it…the film missed the whole home video revolution by being mired in an

[In a very Adams-esque fashion, my original post here was lost when a freak wormhole in the space-time continuum opened at the precise moment I clicked "Post".]

…And if AV Club were to add an edit function to the comments, then the readership would miss-out on gems like, "IIRC the story correctly".

IIRC the story correctly, Spilsbury's wife died suddenly towards the end of production of "Lone Ranger"; he was so distraught, he went into seclusion and therefore was not available for the necessary reshoots or looping. This killed any chance of the studio properly finishing the film. Supposedly his entire

It really bugs me when a movie doesn't have at least a title card. I love a well-crafted title sequence, but not every movie can or should have a Saul Bass extravaganza. But to not put the name of the goddamned movie at the beginning of said movie? LAME.

And yeah, the playwright is "Chekhov". *sigh* — I could've at least misspelled it like the Starfleet navigator.

Caitlin O'Heany
I am so glad to see this show get a DVD release! Pretty much everybody I know has never heard of it, but I remember my sister and I being really into it.

I am pretty surprised that this and other reviews I've read don't even mention Red Dead Revolver. That game may have had its flaws, but I loved it. Hell, the licensed spaghetti-western music was worth the price of admission for me.

Infiltration Successful
Wow, I loved this episode and I love this series.

My favorite Space Jockey is the guy who says, "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars!"

The alien in "Alien 3" was actually realized by a rod puppet shot in front of bluescreen. The movements were not bad, but as you say they botched the compositing so badly that it just ended up looking terrible.

I think I want to marry whoever decided to include Maximilian on this list. We may have to go to Vermont to do so, but whatever.