
In my book, W should be The Word. JFC it's unlistenable.

Series 2 starts airing on Jan. 1st in the UK.

Yeah, how are we getting the US air date before the UK air date? Come on BBC!

And you know they're not going to let some arbitrary number of regenerations stop this juggernaut of a show. River's sacrifice would be a perfect way to explain that whole mess away. Good thinking!

When I'm dissatisfied, I nitpick. And anyway, I think others are covering the actually important flaws in other threads pretty well.

Fair enough. But doesn't the British television viewing public know such Americanisms as parking lot?

not the only aspect of this show to bug me but..
Why are American characters spouting Brit-speak every week? This episode it was car park. Last couple of episodes it was the far more positive British use of scheme. Is there no one working on this show that respects US/UK language differences?

Heck, I had an elementary school commencement. Middle school was called "promotion" and while we didn't wear robes, there were student speeches.

I ended up skipping through most of the scenes at the plant with Danielle Atron hatching evil schemes and the endless repetition of Dave and Vince bumbling around while trying to catch "the kid" but yeah. Anything with Alex and her family and friends still resonates. And it was fun to see how the show ended since I'd

At the time it didn't seem like a lot but I watched a TON of TV as a kid
I rewatched the entirety of Alex Mack a couple years ago and it holds up surprisingly well. Perhaps I should do the same with Clarissa someday. It's nice not being disappointed when looking back on things you loved as a kid.

Out of step
I see a lot of positive response to this episode, here and elsewhere on the internet, but I'm more aligned with the review. It was a disappointing episode that has a number of good moments and lines. But come on! Too much shaky camera crazy dramatics. Grieving causes a vortex? So much characterization

It seemed so familiar but I couldn't place it without a google search. I actually paused the show to find out. So that's two episodes of Fringe with Twin Peaks references now.