Gin Und Tonic

Dylan Moran is not British and Ireland is not in the Commonwealth.

Nice Trolling, bro. Hipsters listening to Alkaline Trio? What are they like 15?

Can someone explain to me why this show needs to be remade at all I'm not opposed to American adaptations of UK shows, but near as I can tell, the plots are exactly the same as the UK version.

Exactly. I was about 17 or so when the original Skins first came out, and it was more vaguely insulting/annoying than anything else. I mean sure my social life involved fairly regular binge drinking and girls, but nothing like the all night drug and sex binges that this show seemed to have.

Hunter S Thompson is a pretty solid and easy costume. It requires nothing more than a safari hat, large aviators, loud shirt, shorts, high tops and a cigarette, pretty much all of which can be borrowed or purchased for under 20 bucks.

Passing fucking Complexion.

I'm going to second the love for the Hymn of the Soviet Union even if every word in it's first line ("Unbreakable Union of Free Republics") has turned out to be complete and utter bullshit…

I don't have 3/5 or Go Forth but I'd have to say

USA Boys
I've been listening to that song like three times a day for the last week…

I'm surprised at all the love this album seems to be receiving here. I found it pretty dull and uninspiring compared to their other work.

Jesus, if Irish women are raising your average you're not doing well…

Talking about Single Malt scotch in a discussion about Buckfast would be like bringing up Animal Collective on a Backstreet Boys forum…

Oh man, I must confess a certain fondness for this stuff, despite the fact that I'm probably old enough to know better by now. The stuff packs a caffeine/booze wallop that can't be rivalled.