Maid Marian

First of all, I believe this review needs to come with a serious spoiler alert - considering the reviewer gives away several key scenes later in the film and basically all of the major plot points. Ridiculous. Very glad I didn't read this before I saw the film
Second of all (and, obviously, *spoiler alert*) I totally

A question of genetics
My only confusion about this episode came from seeing Becky's dad, who was white. I mean, Becky (or at least Madison Burge, the actress playing Becky) is clearly mixed race, am I right? I speak with some authority, as I am mixed race myself. Not that it ruined the episode by any means, I just

And now he'll get even more "awww" votes, what with the crying and the sad puppy dog eyes all over the place and the reminders of the amazing brother…I'm voting like crazy for Jeanine and Brandon over here.

Yes, that routine and the paso doble at the end were the only two couples' routines that were at all memorable for me. And then there was Jeanine's solo: amazing.

I really do appreciate Evan for what he does, and I think he's adorable doing it. If only he was as strong in all the other genres of dance, instead of looking the exact same level of bored/uncertain in almost every dance and leaving many a move unfinished as a consequence. I agree that Ade's suckage at samba made

I actually found tonight to be pretty solid, when you focussed on the actual dancing, and not on any of the usual shenanigans. I loved both of Sonya's routines as well - all of her "pictures" were amazing, and that final pose in the girls' routine was perfect. Brandon and Kayla were so beautiful to watch in the

st murse — the dark-haired white girl on the far right was Allison, my personal favourite from season 2, though back then she had lighter curlier hair.

re: cancerdance — I thought it was beautifully danced, and waaaaay better than that Dead Daddy dance of Mia Michaels in season 3, which made all the tearful accolades easier to understand.

"It'll take some HUGE upsets to not have the four dancers mentioned by Genevieve as the final four… "

Another thing that drove me crazy was how Nigel kept saying how different dancers "slipped under the radar" - he must have said it to three or four different dancers/couples. Considering he's the executive producer in the show, don't you think he'd have a little say on who gets camera time in the episodes leading up