
It becomes more than a mere cop procedural after the first season. There is a vast mythology that gradually unfolds, and it's surprisingly philosophical about the nature of power, artificial intelligence, good, evil, politics, organised societies, and what is the best ways of achieving social good. It forecast and

Clearly, the AV Club needs a dog/pet discussion section. ;) I'm glad there are a number of us crazy dog people for whom their babies are always more important/interesting to talk about than the TV show in question. Lol. I really like your polar bear avatar, by the way.

I was never really into those films so I was thinking more of his role as the lethal Nazi assassin and secret agent in "Eye of the Needle" and his wise, powerful, old statesman role in "Crossing Borders," but President Snow combines both, so that's a great example. :)

I'm relieved to know a number of other people expected the helicopter to blow up, too, and it wasn't just me. 😃

I fear everyone is misunderstanding me. I used the "secret Jihadist" thing as an extreme example of something implausible and ridiculous. My point was that anything involving his name change is likely to be both minor and a red herring, even though the show is trying to frame it as something significant and ominous. I

I love this idea, especially if the former president is supposed to be a secret baddie. Forget about the Donald/Kiefer father/son relationship; Donald Sutherland is PHENOMENAL at playing either powerful or sly, cunningly evil men, or both.

That's exactly why I called it a faux question mark. All these Seth questions that they're insinuating are unlikely to happen or mean nothing. Like the leaking thing, it's faux drama and a waste of time.

You're right, Rob Morrow did resemble a drunk Dustin Hoffman in that scene. That's a hilarious analogy.

Do we care if they come back? ;) I suspect not.

Forgot to say, I agree with the reviewer that Reed Diamond's character can't be up to any good, and probably the ex-president, too.

The groundswell of heart-tugging music as Marine One was about to take off, combined with the camera's lingering shots on the helicopter for what felt like a whole two minutes, all led me to think it was going to blow up against a backdrop of the solitary president. I'm relieved it didn't happen but this show has had

I appreciate the tip, thank you, and I'll look it up. I've been watching the Weissensee Saga (sp? I always get it wrong) on MHZ, the European tv streaming service here, for my Stasi/DDR fix but it's far more political than espionage oriented. And don't get me started on Homeland. I finally gave up on it this season.

A total loose cannon, I agree. I've been wondering what exactly he was doing for The Center in America before Elizabeth and Phillip and, if his Seattle family was his first assignment, how that ended….

I agree. Every episode, you can see either Elizabeth, Phillip, or both blink a little at the extent of Tuan's seething rage. Sure, they understand and, in the case of Elizabeth, sometimes approve of his sentiments, but you can clearly tell they're wondering if he can control himself, or if he'll go off half-cocked at

I would love that, but I suspect this might be our only glimpse of Martha until the final season. Partially because of the actress's busy schedule, partially because it wouldn't fit the story line. But I bet that they won't wrap up The Americans without giving us some closure on the outcome of Poor Martha's life.

Thank you, Killinmesmalls. I thought it sounded like Oleg, except the words didn't make sense to me because, for some reason, I don't remember anything about a possible pretend defector/double agent. Was this years ago, in S1 or S2? Because that would explain why my mind has totally blanked on it. lol

I replayed that section to find out what exactly was discussed for you, as I didn't remember the specific words. In the clip that Oleg played, he hears his comment to Stan that the Center ordered no assassinations without the approval of all departments at the Center and all local Rezidents.

I miss Deutschland 83, and I've been waiting forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrever for "Deutschland 85," as it was supposedly going to be called. I had actually given up all hope when I read an article late last year about it. In case you're interested, the second season will be called Deutschland 86, will be set in 1986, and

He gets the tape and a second copy of a map to a meeting place. He listens to a small part of the tape, featuring his voice then Stan's. After that, he clicks off the tape and gives a deep, stressed-out sigh. That was it. The scene changed after that. They're leaving us in suspense until next week.

She was also great in her small role in "Confirmation," the HBO movie about the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings and Anita Hill sexual harassment allegations. She plays the awful man's awful wife, Ginni Thomas. Except, because it's Alison Wright, Ginni Thomas isn't so bad on screen as she is in real life.