
Green Gloves:
I glide and swan'Cause Im the best slow dancer
In the universe

Figures that all this white space would be the fault of the affluent. I liked the text-heavy version of the old design, which, in this "clean window display" analogy, would sort of be like TJ Maxx in the aftermath of Black Friday.

That's a plausible enough sounding Slate pitch that I'll admit I went to Slate to see if it was real. But then I got lost in Slate's redesign so I couldn't learn anything except that its redesign sucks.

Joust, the Movie. (Michael Bay directing.)

"Coos." "Pleasant-sounding." "Innocuous." Lewis reviewed Middle Cyclone and basically dismissed it as "pretty." These are words that no one who's ever heard Case sing would use to describe her style (even those who aren't fans). Perhaps not coincidentally, these are probably words that would make Case bristle the

Usually when I read a review I don't agree with, I'll chalk it up to
the different subjective experiences of art, and I'll probably learn
from reading about someone else's take on something. But this review is
objectively wrong on so many levels. The obsession about "ladylike;" the
weird Honolulu dig; the

Some Donations are Bigger than Others

The Queen is Donating

It took me many tries (over two days) to get a successful purchase confirmation, and apparently they charged me for every single attempt. Disputing them all with my credit card company. It's a great album, but not $80 great.

Meh. The new stuff is okay, but I've been following his releases since they could barely clear out three people on a dance floor.

What I noticed on this album (and it's probably a weird thing to note) is that Stickles seems much more in control this time around, maybe the result of the cleaned up production. There were times on Grievances and Monitor where it seemed like he was veering absolutely out of control, only tangentially hanging on,

What I noticed on this album (and it's probably a weird thing to note) is that Stickles seems much more in control this time around, maybe the result of the cleaned up production. There were times on Grievances and Monitor where it seemed like he was veering absolutely out of control, only tangentially hanging on,

He looks exactly like a trust fund layabout is expected to look.

He looks exactly like a trust fund layabout is expected to look.

I wish my employer would apply the same Today Show severance logic, because I would clearly create more company value by not working for them than by working for them.

I wish my employer would apply the same Today Show severance logic, because I would clearly create more company value by not working for them than by working for them.

Please tell me there's still wooing involved.

Please tell me there's still wooing involved.

I don't understand how he can compartmentalize his brain to such an extent that he can't see how his beliefs are in direct contradiction to his actions. That level of cognitive dissonance is frightening and explains a lot. (Stuff like, "Get the government out of my Medicare!").

I don't understand how he can compartmentalize his brain to such an extent that he can't see how his beliefs are in direct contradiction to his actions. That level of cognitive dissonance is frightening and explains a lot. (Stuff like, "Get the government out of my Medicare!").