Mustache Pete Drexel

Is this a disc based game?
Or a PS Network download?

That seems a perfectly appropriate typo.

After one listen I wasn't sure this album was better than Stay Positive. As good, yes, but maybe not better. I would have agreed with the B rating at that point.
A few more listens convinced me it was better than Stay Positive and bumped up to a B+.
Having listened to it a bunch of times in past week I'd give it an A-

The Weakerthans, Propagandhi, Neil Young (sort of), Guy Maddin.

I saw Caribou in Manitoba. Fuck Buttons opened. It was just an awesome, awesome show.

I think you mean, "How clothed is she?"

Well that post pretty much made my day.

Wow, Weird Al took so many AV Clubbers' concert cherries (including mine). My dad took me and two of my friends to see him in Brandon, Manitoba. On the way I predicted that he was going to open with Since You've Been Gone and was totally proved right.

Wait, Adventures in Babysitting was a bad movie?

1983. I was recently at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney and they had an exhibit on the '80s. Seeing My Little Pony and an NES in a museum made me feel old.

I think it would be appropriate for this site to mention the bit shortly after the "Homer Simpson, smiling politely" quote:

It's not TV or film but I recently read through all 1600 or so strips of Questionable Content in about a week and it made me want to drink hard liquor. The characters in the comic usually drink Jim Beam but I went for Canadian Club and drank the whole bottle straight (though not all in one night), which I normally

Totally agree. I would also add The Rural Alberta Advantage. Love the drumming on that album as well.

There goes my idea for an '80s nostalgia based adaptation of Dr. Seuss entitled Green Eggs and Haim.