Phils Nantzy Boy

I can't respond to Dowd it seems in the disquss. From what I've read it is aggressive for a man to give his number to a woman in this manner. If he just gave her the number out of nowhere that seems inappropriate.

I mean she wanted the turd picture sent and not the attention. I have enough Jezebel commenters after me.

I think it's aggressive in that he just handed it to her instead of offering it. I'm going on my experience that girlfriends enjoy it when you are a bit protective when it's forced-upon attention. I'm not in any way a tough guy but it's just a pic of your turd for fun.

I don't understand the hate on BK. Why not have a little fun with the dude who aggressively went after your ladyfriend? From the letter it doesn't strike me as being overly protective and it seems like she wanted it. 

I don't know why they like to show the ass and balls angle. I think we need some…new pornographers.

Please someone give current-day Jennifer Connelly a fucking sandwich. She can still capture the potential of her glorious body. Fuck you Hollywood!

Look dude. If you just posted that link so that people would come here and say nice things about you, well, you're a great person.

Sorry to Ladyfingers for not understanding and thanks to everyone for the info. As any straight dude knows it's kinda tough to know what sort of penis issues you might have and if yours is weird (not that vag's are any easier). Also, being a juggler got my weird-foreskin-having self laid a few times!

My dad is Canadian and my mom is British so there seems to be something there. My issue is more around my foreskin actually covering my entire penis even when hard which seems to be rare, even in the uncircumcised community.

But why go under the knife? I appreciate your response but the idea of someone cutting off part of my dick is pretty unpleasant. It hasn't caused me any health problems and many ladies have put it in their mouths without hesitation.

Thanks for the info. What's even stranger is that I have a bit of a problem cumming - I can last a long time but often just can't come. It's not that bad but from everything I've read it's possibly related to my foreskin. I couldn't imagine getting circumcised at this point. As far as appearance goes I'm gonna say

Sorry to hear that your first time was that nasty. Mine hurt a fair bit but no blood or injury. Do you still have issues with sex and your foreskin painfully retracting? It's a rare problem for me (thank my large-vagina-having partners) but happens occasionally. I still cannot enjoy sex when my foreskin is at all

As a 36 year old uncircumcised male I am shocked at the first letter and Dan's response. I've always known that I have a lot of foreskin (even when completely hard it covers the head of my penis) but I've thought this was somewhat common. Now I wonder if my penis is REALLY weird. I've never had any pain issues aside