
"Siberian Breaks" by MGMT. Particularly from about 4:50 in, where the music changes pace and you have "the low tide is telling me, when it's over,/ to breathe in everything exposed / and comes back to cover me with a blanket / being here's always changing tunes." This feeling of relief, peace, and just enough

"Siberian Breaks" by MGMT. Particularly from about 4:50 in, where the music changes pace and you have "the low tide is telling me, when it's over,/ to breathe in everything exposed / and comes back to cover me with a blanket / being here's always changing tunes." This feeling of relief, peace, and just enough

I was in Philly when I watched it. Didn't enjoy the movie except for the cameo by actual Philly mayor Mike Nutter swearing in the new mayor in the movie. That and hoping Chief O'Brien from Star Trek wouldn't be the next one killed every time something happened…