War On Oats Mom

Sorry, thats "stairs", not stars…

Its a great album. Imagine if he put out something like that now. As well as the usual favourites, i really like Prettiest Star and even Lady Grinning Soul.

"Mother, she's just a stranger"! As if men don't desire strangers! As if… ohh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me! You understand, boy? Go on, go tell her she'll not be appeasing her ugly appetite with MY food… or my son! Or do I have tell her because you don't have the guts! Huh, boy? You

No! I will not hide in the fruit cellar! Ha! You think I'm fruity, huh? I'm staying right here. This is my room and no one will drag me out of it, least of all my big, bold son!

Norman….is that you?

War on Oats you have been awfully quiet lately.

Teadoust, did you write that post in a demented, slavering rage, pounding away at your keyboard in frenzied bursts in between howling at the moon in your shit-smeared, sound proof, rubber room?

Death to the Bugs!
I see what you did there…..

How 'bout them apples?!?

Norman! What do you think you're doing? Don't you touch me, don't! NORMAN! Put me down, put me down, I can walk on my own…

"Mother, she's just a stranger"! As if men don't desire strangers! As if… ohh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me! You understand, boy? Go on, go tell her she'll not be appeasing her ugly appetite with MY food… or my son! Or do I have tell her because you don't have the guts! Huh, boy? You

No! I will not hide in the fruit cellar! Ha! You think I'm fruity, huh? I'm staying right here. This is my room and no one will drag me out of it, least of all my big, bold son!

Wow, nice work Columbo. That is some amazing detective work. I think that Warren Oates should have to apologize to the whole community for this inconsistency.

Not to mention coupling with free delivery….

War on Oats, why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut!?

Warren is not self trolling you idiots. War on Oates is real—and he must be stopped.

Don't make me angry.

No! I tell you no! I won't have you bringing some young girl in for supper! By candlelight, I suppose, in the cheap, erotic fashion of young men with cheap, erotic minds!

Is there anybody out there?
She loves me, and to my amazement…..