cadillac walk

Shouldn't all the actors be in their mid 30's?

Home Ain't A Bad Place To Be.

AC/DC has been Rudderless lately.

Fucking John Woo.

Straight Outta Locash.

The Spanx Building


Jersey Bond

I'm saying Never Again.

She looks more like Kate Pierson.

Pittsburgh Platter.

More of a Ben Vereen/Keyshawn Johnson thing.

Kel's looking like Luther Campbell.

These kids are full of hot air.

What's the drummer for Slipnot doing in there?

I always thought Wolf Blitzer would be a great metal band name.

Where's Alan Shemper when you need him?

At least Kim is still alive.(I think)

I'd watch if Kim Darby was hired.

Can I raise a practical question at this point? Are we gonna do Stonehenge tomorrow?