cadillac walk

I'm down with I.D.C.

Bye bye Pop Pop….bye bye

They mask the sound of real gunshots too!

And Tony Randall.

Rick Ross ain't no Fab Five Freddie.

If he was at an upstate NY prison.

Elizabeth Banks' ass? FUCK YEAH!

No way. It has to be Philip Baker Hall.

War on the poor.

That would be the Ultimate Sin.

I mean, how do they expect you to get uncrazy if you're asleep all the time.

Cooley High, Mandingo.

Who ordered the double cheese and sausage?

Irony is good for the blood.

White Light, White Teeth, White Trash

I'm just going to bash your bran in.

Dip Shitty.

Nicholson did warn him.

Then plays shitty tunes?

This looks like a Roger Corman production (not always a bad thing).